Obstacle Clinics
Why obstacles?
Using the principles of horsemanship to work horses over obstacles builds trust and confidence and will strengthen even the strongest of partnerships. The horse learns that he can face new and potentially unsettling situations and live if he follows our lead. We learn to trust our horse as his bravery grows. As confidence abounds, so does the partnership we share with our horses.
Plus, it’s just fun!
How do obstacles challenge us?
To successfully navigate obstacles with our horses, we must improve our horsemanship across all four pillars. That means we must master our ability to influence our horses, as well as control our own, Speed, Direction, Body, and Emotions. By improving our horsemanship in these areas we become laser focused and more tuned into our horses than ever before; as a result, our timing and feel improve and we are able to navigate any obstacle in our path.
What types of obstacles can I do with my horse?
There are really only four types of obstacles that we can do with our horses. There's stuff you need your horse to go 'On, Over, Under, or Through', like bridges, tunnels, and trailers. There's 'Scary Stuff To Get Past', like that mysterious killer bush on the trail or our Wacky Inflatable Tube Man, Erick The Red. Then there are things that we need to 'Interact' With, like gates and mail boxes. Finally, there are things that require us to 'Desensitize' our horses to them, like bouncy balls, spray bottles and sprinklers. To navigate each obstacle category we must utilize one of the four pillars of horsemanship: Speed, Direction, Body, and Emotional Control. Wondering which pillar you need to master to conquer each obstacle category? We go into this in depth in our Horsemanship Over Obstacles Clinic, but here's a quick overview.
On, Over, Under, or Through --> Speed Control
Get Past Scary Stuff--> Directional Control
Interaction --> Body Control
Desensitization --> Emotional Control​​
Horsemanship Over Obstacles
Often imitated, never duplicated.
Attend the BEST obstacle clinic focused on Horsemanship.
​Whether you are new to the world of obstacles, struggling with them, or are already hooked, you will benefit from the increased trust and confidence that working obstacles using our Four Pillars of Horsemanship.​​ This is our Introductory Obstacle Clinic appropriate for absolutely everyone (age 13+ please).
We start by introducing you to the Four Pillars of Horsemanship: Speed, Direction, Body, and Emotional Control, cover how to influence those pillars, then use all that knowledge and apply it to navigating the four categories of obstacles, 'On, Over, Under, Through', "Get Past Scary', 'Interaction', and "Desensitization'. With our horses, we begin on the ground learning the skills that will allow us to tackle any obstacle safely, move on to teaching your horse what to do when they are afraid, and progress from there.
This clinic is suitable for both in-hand and in-saddle participation. In other words, you do not need to be able to ride to benefit from this clinic! In fact, you will often see our yearlings being used as demo horses. This clinic is a prerequisite if you wish to attend Obstacles Unleashed.
Past participants tell us that this clinic is TRANSFORMATIVE and many choose to join us time and time again and again because, as with all our clinics, it is always about you, your horse, and where you are in your journey. We customize the exercises and the obstacles available at a clinic for that clinic's unique set of participants. ​
All disciplines and all levels (age 13+) are welcome!
Young horses welcome!
Well behaved stallions welcome!
Overnight pens and dry camping available.
Limited to just 8 participants to ensure you and your horse get the 1:1 instruction and support you deserve.
Clinic Length: 2 days - 9:00am - 5:00pm each day

"I loved it. Can’t wait to do another- left the clinic in a completely different place with the relationship between me and my pony. Excited to use the clinic as a bit of a catapult and keep up the momentum with my learning. Great weekend! Instructors are pretty okay too. ;-)"
~ One of our many, very satisfied participants

​Take the knowledge and skills you learned during Horsemanship Over Obstacles out of the arena and into our full obstacle course.
After revisiting the core concepts from Horsemanship Over Obstacles, we address any challenges that you and your horse may still have navigating the four obstacle categories. After lunch, we teach you a few more of the skills that will be needed to interact with our more advanced obstacles. Then, it's time to get out! Of the arena that is, and into the obstacle park where you will be simply amazed at what you and your horse can accomplish.
This clinic is suitable for both in-hand and in-saddle participation.
In other words, you do not need to be able to ride to benefit from this clinic! Completion of Horsemanship Over Obstacles, or private equivalent, is required to sign up for Obstacles Unleashed. ​
All disciplines and all levels (age 13+) are welcome!
Young horses welcome!
Well behaved stallions welcome!
Overnight pens and dry camping available.
Limited to just 8 participants to ensure you and your horse get the 1:1 instruction and support you deserve.
Clinic Length: 2 days - 9:00am - 5:00pm each day
"Please, please keep offering these clinics. Each time I attend my relationship vastly improves with my horse and our communication become so much clearer. I feel like we work as a team I have dreamed of and I have been talking up this clinic so much I have several people that are ready to sign up!"
~ Another one of our very satisfied participants
Can't Attend?
Audit Instead
Don't have an equine partner of your own? Not able to bring your horse to a clinic? Want to see what all the fuss is about before you commit to working with us? Consider auditing instead.
When you audit a clinic with us you will have a front row seat to all the action. Learn about our methods and theories during our classroom sessions and take copious notes to help you at home. Follow us around the arena as we work with participants. Ask us all your questions and get our honest answers. Really, the only difference between participating and auditing is that you won't have your equine partner with you, and because we don't get to see you two in action, the support we can provide you will of course be hypothetical.
Auditing is available at all of our clinics except for Managing Your Fear.
Check out our full schedule of events and sign up for the matching audit date.
Audit a Clinic for $25/day.
Register now to get all the details and pay in person or online.