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Training on the Trail


on the Trail


Trail Rides with a Purpose

​Do any of these sound like you?

  • You love trail riding but aren't comfortable going alone.


  • You used to trail ride all the time with your old horse, but you've haven't tried it with this one.​


  • You want to trail ride, but your horse doesn't.


  • You trail ride solo just fine, but have had problems with groups.

  • Your horse rides fine in groups, but has problems when left alone.


  • You want to trail ride with friends but aren't sure where to go or who to go with.

  • You want to trail ride, but don't know what to do if things go awry.


We've heard it all and more from you over the years and are thrilled to provide you with our answer to all your trail riding challenges. Training on the Trail. We invite you to join us along with a small group of other existing and supportive clients for a monthly trail ride at equine friendly parks in Santa Clara County.


If you haven't worked with us before you'll meet us at the ranch in the morning for a quick session where we'll teach you the tools necessary to stay safe on the trail. Then we'll head out to meet the rest of the group.


At trail's parking lot, we will help you prepare for our ride before we head out for our adventure. With both Dana and Jason, along with our tried and true trail mounts guiding the group, each participant will have the support they need every step of the way. You'll practice the tools you've learned with us in the arena and use them under our supervision.


We'll simulate the common challenges you may face when trail riding, including but not limited to, leaving the group or being left, riding together when horses have different speed, jigging, refusals, and more. When our ride is done we'll debrief and answer any questions that may arise. Don't forget to bring your lunch!

The trail is calling and I must go...

Join us for the ride of your life

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