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Saddle Foundations

Have you dreamed of starting your own horse, but want professional support? 

Join us for this very special series where we support you as you start your own horse under saddle. Solid foundations are built though dedication, lots of patience, and our unique combination of Pressure & Release methods, paired with Positive Reinforcement techniques. We have found this combination to be the most ethical way to train, while still being as safe as possible for both horse and rider. Over the years, we have perfected the art of "colt starting," although we believe that every horse has the right to a gentle start regardless of their gender ;) and we are delighted to share our process with you. 


Graduates from Saddle Foundations will meet you at the mounting block, have solid gaits, and will boast a solid stop, backup, and side pass. They will be confident with basic obstacles and will have gone on their first trail ride. 


Session One kicks us off with the basics. Day One is all about you and your education. We will spend some time in the classroom learning about the theories behind what we do before you practice some essentials on our horses. Day two will introduce your horse to the tools and skills that are required for safe riding.


Session Two will have your horse begging for you to climb on, and you will be oh so happy to oblige. 


By Session Three you and your trusty steed will be conquering obstacles like pros.  


Session Four will speed things up and refine your movements.


Session Five takes all that you and your horse have accomplished out on the trail!


You will have plenty of time between sessions to practice all the skills we covered together and complete your homework. We will be just a phone call away to help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise along the way. 


Limited to just 4 participants to ensure you and your horse get the 1:1 instruction and support you deserve.

Overnight pens and dry camping available.

"I really appreciate having support that makes me feel SAFE,
comfortable, brave and confident. "
~ Another one of our very satisfied participants

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