Confidence Building Clinics
Do you wish you could manage your fear
and build your confidence?
We get it because we've been there. No, seriously, we have, and if we can do it, so can you!
Both Dana and Jason have experienced major horse related accidents that resulted in injuries requiring ambulance rides, hospitalization, and surgeries. The physical recovery from our accidents pales in comparison to the emotional journey we both had to embark on to restore our confidence in ourselves, and in our horses.
After riding for over 30 years, Dana almost quit horses altogether due to the crippling fear that remained after the physical injuries had healed. Our own personal confidence building journeys have allowed us to develop a program specifically designed to manage fear and increase confidence. There is no quick fix but you definitely do not need to go this road alone. Don't let fear, low self-esteem, or a lack of confidence hold you back from doing what you love!
Our Confidence Building program gives you a safe space to work through tough issues with a small, like-minded group of people. Together, you will increase your knowledge and gain the tools you need to manage your fear and increase your confidence.
We offer this program in two different formats depending on your needs and availability. Join us for an intensive 4-day clinic and make major progress in a short amount of time, or spread the program out and attend at your leisure. Should you choose the go at your pace program, you can either sign up for all four sessions at once, or just one at a time.
Regardless of the format, the program starts on the ground, teaching you and your horse what to do when you are afraid, before we ever get in saddle. You will learn how to prevent spooks and manage both your, and your horse's anxiety. You will take your budding confidence through our obstacle course where you will strengthen your partnership and gain more trust then you thought possible. Finally, you will take all the skills you've learned out on the trail.
All disciplines and all levels are welcome. Adults only please.
Limited to just 6 participants to ensure you have the space and support you need.
Overnight pens and dry camping available.
No auditor space available.